These are the official forums of The Royal Manticoran Navy: The Official Honor Harrington Fan Association 

  • Doreen

  • Discuss various aspects of the Honorverse universe here. Please be mindful of what you post, as not everybody has read the same amount of books. DO NOT post Honorverse fan fiction here under ANY circumstances!
Discuss various aspects of the Honorverse universe here. Please be mindful of what you post, as not everybody has read the same amount of books. DO NOT post Honorverse fan fiction here under ANY circumstances!
 #46627  by Runsforcelery
 Sat Jul 22, 2023 4:36 pm
Guys, I have a request. Many, many years ago, Doreen Gunkel posted a comment (can't remember whether it was on one of the TRMN boards or "just" FB, in which she observed that the Graysons are NOT just "space Mormons." I saved it at the time . . . somewhere. But it doesn't do the squirrel any good to tuck away the nut if he then forgets which hollow tree he stashed it in.

I want to find it. Not just for me, but for Bill and Doreen. So I am requesting help looking for it.

Please help look for this! And if/when we do find it, the first finder will get Tuckerized in a book by some hack named Weber, and there could be open slots on the first readers list, too.

This is important to me. And to Bill.

Eric Schulman liked this
 #46628  by Robert Farley
 Sat Jul 22, 2023 4:53 pm
So I did a text search here on the forums, and "space mormons" only appears in the post you made here.
I then went to the main TRMN facebook, and searched for Doreen, then when I found a post she was tagged in, went to the "this person in this group" page that loads when you click on someone inside a FB group, and didn't find the post. But that this person in this group page doesn't show comments, just when someone makes an initial post.
I also tried googling her name and Grayson to see if it would bring up her comment, with no luck.

While I didn't find what you were looking for, I decided to share what I tried, on the off chance it inspires someone else to try something that might be successful.
 #46629  by Chris Magnani
 Sat Jul 22, 2023 6:18 pm
Runsforcelery wrote:
Sat Jul 22, 2023 4:36 pm
Guys, I have a request. Many, many years ago, Doreen Gunkel posted a comment (can't remember whether it was on one of the TRMN boards or "just" FB, in which she observed that the Graysons are NOT just "space Mormons." I saved it at the time . . . somewhere. But it doesn't do the squirrel any good to tuck away the nut if he then forgets which hollow tree he stashed it in.

I want to find it. Not just for me, but for Bill and Doreen. So I am requesting help looking for it.

Please help look for this! And if/when we do find it, the first finder will get Tuckerized in a book by some hack named Weber, and there could be open slots on the first readers list, too.

This is important to me. And to Bill.

For what it's worth, I managed to track down her profile page here on the forums: memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=1175. It says she only made 9 total posts here within the TRMN forums, though It only displays 2 of them for some reason. One featured a lovely photo in her House of Commons Candidate Introduction (viewtopic.php?f=397&t=7956&p=22674#p22674); the other was announcing her ship's Toy's for Tots drive (viewtopic.php?f=329&t=8751&p=24896#p24896).

With that said, I would surmise that it's probably more likely the comment was made on Facebook or elsewhere. I hope this helps at least a little bit.