These are the official forums of The Royal Manticoran Navy: The Official Honor Harrington Fan Association 

  • HH Ship Schematics, Blueprints or cutaways?

  • Discuss various aspects of the Honorverse universe here. Please be mindful of what you post, as not everybody has read the same amount of books. DO NOT post Honorverse fan fiction here under ANY circumstances!
Discuss various aspects of the Honorverse universe here. Please be mindful of what you post, as not everybody has read the same amount of books. DO NOT post Honorverse fan fiction here under ANY circumstances!
 #27830  by Zachary White
 Wed Feb 27, 2019 9:40 pm
Patrick Giese wrote:So to be clear, the scale would be one where the standard Lego characters would be of a realistic height within the model, but also so that it would be easy to see the internal structure and have it fairly representative - having done a lot of model building over the years at many different scales, I've found that having a standard human reference helps observers understand the size and scope of a model.

All that being said, if I need to scratch build one out of materials instead of Legos - I'm cool with that too.

For Queen and Empire

Thomas Hathaway wrote:
Tue Feb 26, 2019 10:21 pm
Patrick Giese wrote:
Tue Feb 26, 2019 9:26 pm
Just the scale of project I was contemplating!

That is a HUGE model. I cannot tell if you are being sarcastic or not. A 1:350 scale model of a Havoc Class Destroyer would be about 42" (108cm) long. Tamiya makes a 1:350 USS Enterprise (CVN-65) which tops out at 38" or so.

I am currently working on, among other projects, a "waterline scale" (1:700) Agamemnon Class BCP model. When it is done it will be 45" (116cm) long. It is about as small as I think I can build this without loosing significant detail. I chose 1:700 scale because I thought it would be cool to build a 1:700 scale Nimitz or Ford Class CVN model and display them together to show exactly how big the ships of the Honorverse actually are. It really says something that the smallest warship of the Honorverse is substantially larger than the largest US Navy Warship.

I am making very heavy use of the BuNine reference images I linked. So far I have produced 3D renderings in Fusion 360 (Enthusiast's License is free for the full version!) I have digital models for the active defense systems (countermissile tubes, and Point defense clusters), gravitics arrays and the Main Radar/Lidar Panels. I still need to build out Electronic Warfare Panels, Topside Heat sink panels and accumulators, and chase armament.

My plan is to build the hull using extruded foam board with a coating of epoxy resin. I considered a traditional plank on frame construction using laser cut framing but thought that resined foam would be more rugged for toting to conventions. I am going to 3D print the fittings with a Formlabs SLA printer using the models I described above. I might try making the radar panels out of CNC cut prototyping circuit board I am not sure if it would fit the scale of the model though.

I am hoping to get our crew working on this together as a sort of group project for the upcoming convention season but It will have to wait until I wrap up a few other projects.

If you like, I could send you some scaled .obj files of the fittings I have made in the appropriate scale. The illustrations I have seen show that Counter Missile tubes and Point Defense clusters are identical between BC's and DD's (BC's just have more!) PM me if interested.
Tru-Scale to mini-figs would be HUGE!

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Patrick Giese liked this
 #27838  by Thomas Hathaway IV
 Thu Feb 28, 2019 12:53 am
Zachary White wrote:
Wed Feb 27, 2019 9:40 pm

Tru-Scale to mini-figs would be HUGE!

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Assuming a Lego mini fig represents a 180cm human (70”) Making the scale somewhere around 1:45. Or around 1/4” = 1ft.

The 377m Havoc class DD Would be 8.4m or 27 feet long. :shock:
The 815m Agamemnon Class BC would be 18m or 54 feet long. :shock: :shock:
Either way you are gonna need a pretty big truck and a lot of Lego bricks! Sure would get folks attention though!
 #27839  by Kevin Walsh
 Thu Feb 28, 2019 12:57 am
looks at his 15mm scale Traveller boardgame Azhanti High Lightning, its huge by itself with just paper maps and counters
this would be a major handful
 #27841  by Zachary White
 Thu Feb 28, 2019 1:10 am
Thomas Hathaway wrote:
Zachary White wrote:
Wed Feb 27, 2019 9:40 pm

Tru-Scale to mini-figs would be HUGE!

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Assuming a Lego mini fig represents a 180cm human (70”) Making the scale somewhere around 1:45. Or around 1/4” = 1ft.

The 377m Havoc class DD Would be 8.4m or 27 feet long. :shock:
The 815m Agamemnon Class BC would be 18m or 54 feet long. :shock: :shock:
Either way you are gonna need a pretty big truck and a lot of Lego bricks! Sure would get folks attention though!
Well there is that guy who built the tru-minifig scale USS Missouri ....... so it could be done if one had the time and money :p

It would be so cool though......

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 #27858  by Patrick Giese
 Thu Feb 28, 2019 10:51 pm
One other concept I had was based on the augmented reality map that Apple uses for its Ring HQ display: ... e73_NVWmWM

That is have a scale model with an Augmented Reality link to show interior spaces, systems, etc.

For Queen and Empire

John Fairbairn, GCE GACM and -1 others liked this
 #27949  by John Fairbairn, GCE GACM
 Mon Mar 04, 2019 7:51 pm
Intelligence Mate 2/c Giese -

The concept demonstrated in this video seems to me to be a much more workable one than building a large-scale model. That would be especially true if a person started with a small-scale overall detailed model in a commonly-used 3D modeling application and then added the touch-points required to open various sections of the model for interior views.

While very cool, a physical model has the disadvantage of being expensive to build, both expensive and difficult to move/ship, and limited in availability for viewing. The sole advantage is the "draw" factor, to bring people to a Con. However, that also can be achieved far less expensively.

For instance, I have a detailed model of HMS Fearless (CL-56) that I built and sent to NavyCon in 2017. Since it is only about 19 cm (8.6 in.) long , it can be shipped anywhere relatively easily and inexpensively. Using that as a physical basis, such a program would allow it to be 'captured' optically and used as a link to start a sim modeling program that would reproduce the image in an enlargeable detailed image version that could be opened for interior view.

The major advantage there is that a version of this sim could be distributed freely to all members of tRMN who wish to view it, without having to go to a Con. Of course, I did say a 'version', as the distributed version could have fewer bink-points to see the interior, encouraging members to attend a Con where the physical model is on view in order to see them all.

Just some pseudo-random thoughts. :)
 #29000  by Patrick Giese
 Sun Apr 21, 2019 1:42 am
Greetings all!

We seem to have drifted somewhat off course from the original post - so in an effort to course correct: do we have a definitive answer on schematics or deck plans from any available sources?

And of course remarking on the course deviation as well, it seems to me that a series of small models assembled or three-d printed could be used for the VR approach - I will explore this further and comment as I uncover suitable information.

For Crown and Empire!

Patrick Giese
 #29005  by Peter Gold
 Sun Apr 21, 2019 3:08 am
Patrick Giese wrote:Greetings all!

We seem to have drifted somewhat off course from the original post - so in an effort to course correct: do we have a definitive answer on schematics or deck plans from any available sources?

And of course remarking on the course deviation as well, it seems to me that a series of small models assembled or three-d printed could be used for the VR approach - I will explore this further and comment as I uncover suitable information.

For Crown and Empire!

Patrick Giese
I haven't gotten any where at learning any version of 3d software to translate the bits and pieces on paper into a single 3d file.

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Welcome to The Royal Manticoran Navy: The Official Honor Harrington Fan Association's Forums. We are here to celebrate the work of David Weber and the universe he has created in his Honor Harrington books. Our hierarchy structure is set up based on what is in the books. We have gone to great lengths to make sure we are as true to the books as possible, using the books, and input from David Weber and Ad Astra as our guide. We want you to have a positive fandom experience, so please explore all our site has to offer and if you like what you see, feel free to join us. All we ask is that you remember one thing; no matter what you do, Do It With Honor!

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