These are the official forums of The Royal Manticoran Navy: The Official Honor Harrington Fan Association 

  • TRMN LOTRO Update

  • Report on marksmanship events your chapter has undertaken (pictures and/or videos are very much encouraged), or discuss various board or online games that you've played through the marksmanship program, or even would like to be considered to be added into the program.
Report on marksmanship events your chapter has undertaken (pictures and/or videos are very much encouraged), or discuss various board or online games that you've played through the marksmanship program, or even would like to be considered to be added into the program.
 #44964  by Geoffrey Zoeller
 Fri Sep 23, 2022 6:18 pm
Several weeks ago I reached out to see if someone might step up and take over coordinating upcoming LOTRO adventures for us since shortly I will be taking on additional organizational responsibilities. I am pleased to announce that Sir Alex Shaffer, Commanding Officer of HMS Ivanhoe and the 10th Fleet Tactical Officer has graciously suffered from a case of helium hand and will assume these duties.

Look for his announcements and scheduling shortly.

Hail Sir Alex ... and death to Sauron's baddies!
 #49882  by Bjorn Hoover
 Sun Oct 27, 2024 1:43 am
Do we still have a LotRO presence? My better half and I play fairly often on Gladden.
Bjorn Hoover,
Eric Schulman liked this
 #49884  by Eric Schulman
 Sun Oct 27, 2024 2:49 am
We do! The Manticore Alliance kinship on Arkenstone.

Currently we have a group of 150s who play starting at 6 pm Eastern time every Monday, and a group of 103 dwarfs who play once or twice a month on Sunday afternoons.
 #49891  by Michael Paquette
 Mon Oct 28, 2024 3:54 pm
"103 dwarfs"... that's a whole lotta dwarves. ;) Ohhhh... you meant Level 103.. :D
 #49896  by Michael Paquette
 Tue Oct 29, 2024 9:06 pm
Our Discord server info. (only good for 7 days from now)
Eric Schulman liked this