These are the official forums of The Royal Manticoran Navy: The Official Honor Harrington Fan Association 

  • XBOX Live GamerTags

  • Report on marksmanship events your chapter has undertaken (pictures and/or videos are very much encouraged), or discuss various board or online games that you've played through the marksmanship program, or even would like to be considered to be added into the program.
Report on marksmanship events your chapter has undertaken (pictures and/or videos are very much encouraged), or discuss various board or online games that you've played through the marksmanship program, or even would like to be considered to be added into the program.
 #22389  by Christopher Bayonet
 Sun Aug 12, 2018 11:50 am
Just thought of something ...

We have a slew of gamers ... but we have yet to set-up a list of GamerTags for XBOX Live...

If you are on XBOX Live put your GamerTag here

 #22442  by Christopher Bayonet
 Wed Aug 15, 2018 6:14 pm
Side note to this ...

I have set up a XBOX Club .... so if you are on XBOX or do any type of Microsoft gaming head over to the clubs section of either their app, on the console or via the web log-in and look for "RMN SAN MARTINO" club ... yes it is focused on Third (San Martino) Fleet but anyone regardless of fleet is invited to join.

Rule #1 - Keep it PG-Rated [I have a 9-year old that plays, and occasionally likes to use my headset or is in the room as I am reading stuff] ... and I know I am probably not the only one with such. So even though it is a group for the adults, there might be littles present. And as adults we can hold ourselves to a nice PG rating for a bit.

If there is enough interest for this Club from outside of Third Fleet; then we will discuss changing its name to something more inclusive of that scope. But as San Martino Tactical Officer, my scope of duties limits me currently to only the Third Fleet ... so I don't want to step on any toes.
 #28130  by John Chambers
 Tue Mar 12, 2019 2:10 am
I let my XBOX Live subscription lapse but I plan on renewing it soon. In any case my GamerTag is Chirdaki187.
 #31749  by Michael Bonh
 Wed Sep 11, 2019 5:09 pm
Xbox: ZeroCoolHacks
I'm with 3rd fleet
 #42664  by Alex Enns
 Tue Jan 04, 2022 12:32 pm
XBL: H20 Hamm3r (That's a zero not an O)
10th Fleet (Victoria Station)
 #42672  by Tim Simpson
 Wed Jan 05, 2022 12:33 am
Geohazard42 here.
 #42709  by Antonio Gonzalez
 Mon Jan 10, 2022 6:33 pm
 #42941  by Albert Beddow
 Tue Feb 01, 2022 7:41 pm
Albiegamer is me handle, sixth fleet is my home. (subscription currently lapsed but will be renewing here in the near future)