These are the official forums of The Royal Manticoran Navy: The Official Honor Harrington Fan Association 

  • Dungeons and Dragons

  • Report on marksmanship events your chapter has undertaken (pictures and/or videos are very much encouraged), or discuss various board or online games that you've played through the marksmanship program, or even would like to be considered to be added into the program.
Report on marksmanship events your chapter has undertaken (pictures and/or videos are very much encouraged), or discuss various board or online games that you've played through the marksmanship program, or even would like to be considered to be added into the program.
 #44826  by Chris Hollaway
 Mon Sep 05, 2022 1:02 pm
I am looking for 4 to 6 players to start a new adventure series, the "Candlekeep Mysteries."

'Candlekeep attracts scholars like a flame attracts moths. Historians, sages, and others who crave knowledge flock to this library fortress to peruse its vast collection of books, scribbled into which are the answers to the mysteries that bedevil them. Many of these books contain their own mysteries—each one a doorway to adventure. Dare you cross that threshold?'
( ... -mysteries)

The desire is to play weekly and sessions will last 3 to 4 hours. Play will be on (you can create a free account) and character sheets are contained within or you may use dndbeyond (you can create a free account). Voice will be on a TRMN Discord channel. Please post your interest here and we will see about setting up a session 0 to get started.
 #44827  by Eric Schulman
 Mon Sep 05, 2022 5:38 pm
I’m interested.
 #44828  by Danielle Ostach
 Mon Sep 05, 2022 7:52 pm
I am interested but it depends on edition since I don't have 4th (I don't play) or 5th (only have phb and it is buried in a stack of boxes of books) available to me at the moment.
 #44835  by Chris Hollaway
 Mon Sep 05, 2022 11:00 pm
The play will be 5th edition. If you create an account at DnD Beyond, I can share my content with you including the Player's Handbook.
Eric Schulman liked this
 #44863  by Alex Shaffer
 Sat Sep 10, 2022 3:58 am
I am potentially interested, but will need to see how things shake out.
 #44873  by Russell Youmans
 Sun Sep 11, 2022 10:42 pm

I'm interested in trying to play some DnD and Candlekeep Mysteries.

-Russell Youmans
Eric Schulman liked this